Buzz on Book Biz

14 - Sara Leach

Episode Summary

Children’s books became extremely popular in 2020, thanks to kids being at home a lot, and libraries being closed. That was good news for writers of children’s books. My guest today is Sara Leach, a Canadian award-winning author of nine books for children, including the recently released Duck Days. 

Episode Notes

Children’s books became extremely popular in 2020, thanks to kids being at home a lot, and libraries being closed. That was good news for writers of children’s books. My guest today is Sara Leach, a Canadian award-winning author of nine books for children, including the recently released Duck Days.  

We talk about her inspiration for her books, and her experience publishing with a traditional publisher versus self-publishing, as she has done both.  Sara has some real insights into what makes a children’s book a good book that kids will love. 

Have a listen!   

You can learn more about Sara and her books at her website:

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