Buzz on Book Biz

37 - Judy Weintraub

Episode Summary

My guest Judy Weintraub is a remarkably talented and very busy person. She is a lawyer, and she also runs SkillBites, a company she started to help business owners write, publish and market their books.  She describes why she started SkillBites, and how she helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses with a book.

Episode Notes

My guest Judy Weintraub is a remarkably talented and very busy person. She is a lawyer, and she also runs SkillBites, a company she started to help business owners write, publish and market their books.  She describes why she started SkillBites, and how she helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses with a book. Judy is also the author of books for her own legal business, The Essentials of Negotiating Effectively, and How to Build Successful Business Partnerships. Have a listen to this inspiring conversation!


Judy’s website:

Richelle Wiseman: website | linkedin | facebook